Viewing Monster

#2093: Botaring

Monster ID 2093 Sprite BOTARING
kRO Name Botaring Custom No
iRO Name Botaring HP 15
Size Small SP 0
Race Formless Level 15
Element Holy (Lv 1) Speed 170
Experience 3 Attack 20~20
Job Experience 3 Defense 20
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 20
Attack Delay 1,872 ms Attack Range 2
Attack Motion 672 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 480 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Attack
  • Can Move
  • Ignore Magic
  • Ignore Melee
  • Ignore Misc
  • Ignore Ranged
Monster Stats
STR 10 AGI 10 VIT 10
INT 10 DEX 77 LUK 77

Botaring Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Can be stealed
12492 Crumpled Paper 35% Yes
12492 Crumpled Paper 17.5% Yes
12492 Crumpled Paper 5% Yes
5204 Rudolf's Red Nose 3.5% Yes
664 Gift Box 10% Yes
665 Gift Box 10% Yes
666 Gift Box 10% Yes
603 Old Blue Box 2.5% No

Monster Skills for “Botaring”

No skills found for Botaring.

KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto