Viewing Monster

#2771: Lunatic Ringleader

Monster ID 2771 Sprite C3_LUNATIC
kRO Name Lunatic Ringleader Custom No
iRO Name Lunatic Ringleader HP 275
Size Small SP 0
Race Brute Level 3
Element Neutral (Lv 3) Speed 200
Experience 750 Attack 13~1
Job Experience 750 Defense 18
MVP Experience 0 Magic Defense 0
Attack Delay 1,456 ms Attack Range 1
Attack Motion 456 ms Spell Range 10
Delay Motion 336 ms Vision Range 12
Monster Mode
  • Can Attack
  • Can Move
Monster Stats
STR 10 AGI 3 VIT 3

Lunatic Ringleader Item Drops

Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Can be stealed
705 Clover 90% Yes
949 Feather 90% Yes
2262 Clown Nose 0.2% Yes
1102 Sword 5% Yes
601 Fly Wing 25% Yes
515 Carrot 90% Yes
622 Rainbow Carrot 1% Yes
4006 Lunatic Card 1% No

Monster Skills for “Lunatic Ringleader”

Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value
Lunatic Ringleader@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 2 Idle 100% 0.7s 30s No Self slavele 0
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto