Viewing Item

#510: Blue Herb

Item ID 510 For Sale No
Identifier Blue_Herb Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Blue Herb Type Healing
NPC Buy 60 Weight 7
NPC Sell 30 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script

1 itemheal

2 0,rand(15,30);

Equip Script None
Unequip Script None

Blue Herb Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Blue Herb Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
1083 Shining Plant 50% Yes 1 Plant Level 1 Holy
1079 Blue Plant 27.5% Yes 1 Plant Level 1 Earth
2816 Goat Ringleader 25% Yes 80 Brute Level 3 Fire
2815 Solid Goat 25% Yes 80 Brute Level 3 Fire
1884 Mavka 15% Yes 84 Plant Level 3 Earth
1964 Nightmare 15% Yes 30 Brute Level 3 Ghost
1372 Goat 5% Yes 80 Brute Level 3 Fire
2732 Furious Nightmare Terror 3.75% Yes 107 Demon Level 3 Dark
1061 Nightmare 2.5% Yes 69 Demon Level 3 Ghost
2762 Furious Marin 1.9% Yes 37 Plant Level 2 Water
2705 Solid Poison Spore 1.5% Yes 26 Plant Level 1 Poison
2630 Furious Toucan 1.25% Yes 70 Brute Level 2 Wind
2652 Solid Snowier 1.25% Yes 103 Formless Level 2 Water
2779 Swift Les 1.25% Yes 82 Plant Level 4 Earth
1255 Nereid 1.15% Yes 98 Brute Level 1 Earth
1322 Spring Rabbit 1% Yes 88 Brute Level 2 Earth
1379 Nightmare Terror 0.75% Yes 107 Demon Level 3 Dark
1064 Megalodon 0.4% Yes 46 Undead Level 1 Undead
1242 Marin 0.38% Yes 37 Plant Level 2 Water
1209 Cramp 0.35% Yes 82 Brute Level 2 Poison
1077 Poison Spore 0.3% Yes 26 Plant Level 1 Poison
2803 Elusive Hill Wind 0.25% Yes 101 Brute Level 3 Wind
1881 Lesavka 0.25% Yes 82 Plant Level 4 Earth
1775 Snowier 0.25% Yes 103 Formless Level 2 Water
2804 Swift Hill Wind 0.25% Yes 101 Brute Level 3 Wind
2661 Swift Siroma 0.25% Yes 98 Formless Level 3 Water
2073 Toucan 0.25% Yes 70 Brute Level 2 Wind
1680 Hill Wind 0.05% Yes 101 Brute Level 3 Wind
1776 Siroma 0.05% Yes 98 Formless Level 3 Water
3788 Brown Rat 0.01% Yes 101 Brute Level 2 Poison
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto