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#6224: Bradium

Item ID 6224 For Sale No
Identifier Bradium Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Bradium Type Etc
NPC Buy 2,000 Weight 15
NPC Sell 1,000 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script None
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None

Bradium Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Bradium Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
2241 Gypsy Trentini 20% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 4 Wind
2235 Paladin Randel 20% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 4 Holy
2237 Professor Celia 20% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 3 Ghost
2239 Stalker Gertie 20% Yes 160 Demon Level 4 Poison
2850 Dolomedes Ringleader 12.5% Yes 132 Insect Level 3 Water
2882 Elusive Bradium Golem 12.5% Yes 133 Formless Level 2 Earth
2022 Nidhoggur's Shadow 5% Yes 117 Dragon Level 4 Dark
3621 Pet Child 5% Yes 120 Brute Level 3 Dark
2024 Bradium Golem 2.5% Yes 133 Formless Level 2 Earth
2092 Dolomedes 2.5% Yes 132 Insect Level 3 Water
3504 Combat Basilisk 1% Yes 148 Brute Level 2 Earth
2234 Gypsy Trentini 1% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 4 Wind
2228 Paladin Randel 1% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 4 Holy
2230 Professor Celia 1% Yes 160 Demi-Human Level 3 Ghost
2232 Stalker Gertie 1% Yes 160 Demon Level 4 Poison
2637 Solid Tatacho 0.25% Yes 128 Brute Level 1 Earth
2873 Swift Centipede 0.25% Yes 125 Insect Level 2 Poison
2820 Solid Dark Shadow 0.1% Yes 147 Formless Level 2 Dark
2819 Swift Dark Shadow 0.1% Yes 147 Formless Level 2 Dark
1987 Centipede 0.05% Yes 125 Insect Level 2 Poison
1992 Cornus 0.05% Yes 120 Brute Level 3 Holy
2023 Dark Shadow 0.05% Yes 147 Formless Level 2 Dark
2018 Duneyrr 0.05% Yes 135 Demi-Human Level 3 Earth
2773 Elusive Luciola Vespa 0.05% Yes 109 Insect Level 1 Wind
1993 Naga 0.05% Yes 117 Brute Level 2 Earth
2017 Rata 0.05% Yes 131 Demi-Human Level 3 Earth
1986 Tatacho 0.05% Yes 128 Brute Level 1 Earth
1991 Tendrillion 0.05% Yes 126 Brute Level 2 Earth
2281 Dark Shadow 0.02% Yes 147 Formless Level 2 Dark
1994 Luciola Vespa 0.01% Yes 109 Insect Level 1 Wind
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto