Viewing Item

#715: Yellow Gemstone

Item ID 715 For Sale No
Identifier Yellow_Gemstone Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Yellow Gemstone Type Etc
NPC Buy 450 Weight 0.1
NPC Sell 225 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script None
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None

Yellow Gemstone Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Yellow Gemstone Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
2846 Furious Driller 90% Yes 65 Brute Level 1 Earth
2834 Swift False Angel 25% Yes 105 Angel Level 3 Holy
1378 Demon Pungus 19.4% Yes 91 Demon Level 3 Poison
1380 Driller 19.4% Yes 65 Brute Level 1 Earth
1371 False Angel 5% Yes 105 Angel Level 3 Holy
2812 Furious Golem 5% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
2919 Neo Punk 5% Yes 155 Plant Level 1 Wind
1199 Punk 4% Yes 82 Plant Level 1 Wind
2706 Plasma Ringleader 2.5% Yes 119 Formless Level 4 Ghost
2750 Solid Mineral 2.5% Yes 96 Formless Level 2 Neutral
1119 Frilldora 1% Yes 57 Brute Level 1 Fire
1040 Golem 1% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1049 Picky 0.6% Yes 9 Brute Level 1 Fire
1240 Picky 0.6% Yes 3 Brute Level 1 Fire
1241 Picky 0.6% Yes 4 Brute Level 1 Fire
1976 Cobalt Mineral 0.5% Yes 113 Formless Level 2 Neutral
1614 Mineral 0.5% Yes 96 Formless Level 2 Neutral
1693 Plasma 0.5% Yes 119 Formless Level 4 Ghost
3011 Corrupt Baby Desert Wol 0.2% Yes 158 Brute Level 2 Fire
3014 Corrupt Desert Wolf 0.2% Yes 158 Brute Level 2 Fire
3012 Corrupt Familiar 0.2% Yes 158 Fish Level 2 Water
3018 Corrupt Megalodon 0.2% Yes 158 Fish Level 2 Undead
3010 Corrupt Orc Baby 0.2% Yes 158 Demi-Human Level 2 Earth
3013 Corrupt Orc Warrior 0.2% Yes 158 Demi-Human Level 2 Earth
3016 Corrupt Orc Zombie 0.2% Yes 158 Demi-Human Level 2 Undead
3015 Corrupt Phen 0.2% Yes 158 Fish Level 2 Water
3017 Corrupt Verit 0.2% Yes 158 Brute Level 2 Undead
3622 Special Guard 0.1% Yes 100 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto