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#912: Zargon

Item ID 912 For Sale No
Identifier Zargon Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Zargon Type Etc
NPC Buy 480 Weight 1
NPC Sell 240 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script None
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None

Zargon Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Zargon Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
2827 Furious Gargoyle 90% Yes 100 Demon Level 3 Wind
2826 Gargoyle Ringleader 90% Yes 100 Demon Level 3 Wind
2614 Solid Wind Ghost 90% Yes 80 Demon Level 3 Wind
2873 Swift Centipede 90% Yes 125 Insect Level 2 Poison
2789 Swift Karakasa 90% Yes 72 Formless Level 3 Neutral
2829 Swift Seal 90% Yes 47 Brute Level 1 Water
2894 Arclouze Ringleader 62.5% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
2893 Solid Arclouze 62.5% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
2687 Solid Requiem 62.5% Yes 71 Demi-Human Level 1 Dark
2888 Solid Banaspaty 50% Yes 85 Formless Level 3 Fire
2831 Freezer Ringleader 45% Yes 94 Brute Level 2 Water
2830 Solid Freezer 45% Yes 94 Brute Level 2 Water
2910 Elusive Alarm 37.5% Yes 88 Formless Level 3 Neutral
2663 Side Winder Ringleader 35% Yes 70 Brute Level 1 Poison
2662 Solid Side Winder 35% Yes 70 Brute Level 1 Poison
2797 Furious Hunter Fly 32.5% Yes 63 Insect Level 2 Wind
2805 Solid High Orc 32.5% Yes 81 Demi-Human Level 2 Fire
2891 Elusive Argiope 30% Yes 75 Insect Level 1 Poison
2892 Swift Argiope 30% Yes 75 Insect Level 1 Poison
2358 Arclouze (Nightmare) 25% Yes 134 Insect Level 2 Earth
1987 Centipede 25% Yes 125 Insect Level 2 Poison
1999 Centipede Larva 25% Yes 118 Insect Level 1 Poison
2907 Solid Alligator 25% Yes 57 Brute Level 1 Water
1582 Deviling 24.25% Yes 66 Demon Level 4 Dark
1263 Wind Ghost 22.8% Yes 80 Demon Level 3 Wind
1317 Seal 21.83% Yes 47 Brute Level 1 Water
1400 Karakasa 20.37% Yes 72 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1253 Gargoyle 19.4% Yes 100 Demon Level 3 Wind
3197 Mutant Gargoyle 19.4% Yes 150 Demon Level 3 Wind
2818 Elusive Dark Hammer Kobo 17.5% Yes 142 Demi-Human Level 2 Poison
2817 Furious Dark Hammer Kobo 17.5% Yes 142 Demi-Human Level 2 Poison
1587 Kraben 17.5% Yes 70 Formless Level 2 Ghost
2785 Solid Kobold 17.5% Yes 107 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
1305 Ancient Worm 12.5% Yes 121 Insect Level 1 Poison
1194 Arclouze 12.5% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
1292 Mini Demon 12.5% Yes 117 Demon Level 1 Dark
1313 Mobster 12.5% Yes 58 Demi-Human Level 1 Neutral
1164 Requiem 12.5% Yes 71 Demi-Human Level 1 Dark
1392 Rotar Zairo 12.5% Yes 48 Formless Level 2 Wind
1309 Gajomart 11.5% Yes 140 Formless Level 4 Fire
2894 Arclouze Ringleader 11.25% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
2893 Solid Arclouze 11.25% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
2154 Banaspaty 10% Yes 85 Formless Level 3 Fire
1131 Joker 10% Yes 90 Demi-Human Level 4 Wind
1319 Freezer 9% Yes 94 Brute Level 2 Water
1193 Alarm 7.5% Yes 88 Formless Level 3 Neutral
2917 Big Bell 7.5% Yes 163 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1156 Petite 7.5% Yes 79 Dragon Level 1 Wind
1037 Side Winder 7% Yes 70 Brute Level 1 Poison
2355 Verit (Nightmare) 7% Yes 115 Undead Level 1 Undead
1213 High Orc 6.5% Yes 81 Demi-Human Level 2 Fire
1035 Hunter Fly 6.5% Yes 63 Insect Level 2 Wind
2784 Swift Kobold Archer 6.25% Yes 108 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1314 Permeter 6.2% Yes 90 Brute Level 2 Neutral
1099 Argiope 6% Yes 75 Insect Level 1 Poison
1211 Brilight 6% Yes 71 Insect Level 1 Fire
1296 Kobold Leader 6% Yes 112 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
2812 Furious Golem 5.5% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1271 Alligator 5% Yes 57 Brute Level 1 Water
2358 Arclouze (Nightmare) 5% Yes 134 Insect Level 2 Earth
1130 Jakk 4.5% Yes 63 Formless Level 2 Fire
1250 Chepet 3.75% Yes 42 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1243 Sasquatch 3.75% Yes 72 Brute Level 3 Neutral
2284 Dark Axe Kobold 3.5% Yes 145 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
2285 Dark Hammer Kobold 3.5% Yes 142 Demi-Human Level 2 Poison
2286 Dark Mace Kobold 3.5% Yes 141 Demi-Human Level 2 Fire
1133 Kobold 3.5% Yes 107 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
1032 Verit 3.5% Yes 52 Undead Level 1 Undead
1129 Horong 2.5% Yes 66 Formless Level 4 Fire
1194 Arclouze 2.25% Yes 107 Insect Level 2 Earth
2541 Faceworm Larva 2.25% Yes 145 Insect Level 2 Poison
3175 Rotar Zairo 2% Yes 113 Formless Level 2 Wind
2287 Dark Kobold Archer 1.25% Yes 142 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1282 Kobold Archer 1.25% Yes 108 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1040 Golem 1.1% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1246 Christmas Cookie 1% Yes 37 Demi-Human Level 2 Holy
1134 Kobold 1% Yes 102 Demi-Human Level 2 Poison
1135 Kobold 1% Yes 101 Demi-Human Level 2 Fire
1311 Gullinbursti 0.8% Yes 120 Brute Level 2 Earth
1136 Kobold 0.5% Yes 31 Demi-Human Level 2 Poison
1137 Kobold 0.5% Yes 31 Demi-Human Level 2 Fire
1274 Megalith 0.5% Yes 65 Formless Level 4 Neutral
1266 Aster 0.3% Yes 50 Fish Level 1 Earth
2768 Elusive Magnolia 0.25% Yes 53 Demon Level 1 Water
1138 Magnolia 0.05% Yes 53 Demon Level 1 Water
1856 Magnolia 0.05% Yes 26 Demon Level 1 Water
1855 Poison Spore 0.03% Yes 19 Plant Level 1 Poison
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto