Viewing Item

#998: Iron

Item ID 998 For Sale No
Identifier Iron Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Iron Type Etc
NPC Buy 100 Weight 5
NPC Sell 50 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
MATK 0 Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations None
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs None
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Item Use Script None
Equip Script None
Unequip Script None

Iron Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Iron Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
3156 Exploration Rover 50% Yes 168 Demi-Human Level 4 Neutral
3155 Repair Robot 50% Yes 155 Plant Level 1 Wind
1403 Firelock Soldier 27.5% Yes 88 Undead Level 2 Undead
3249 Explorer Robot Turbo 20% Yes 171 Formless Level 4 Neutral
3248 Repair Robot Turbo 20% Yes 158 Formless Level 2 Neutral
2756 Metaling Ringleader 12.5% Yes 81 Formless Level 1 Neutral
2755 Solid Metaling 12.5% Yes 81 Formless Level 1 Neutral
2660 Elusive Skeleton Worker 10% Yes 44 Undead Level 1 Undead
2812 Furious Golem 8.75% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
2642 Solid Steel Chonchon 5% Yes 48 Insect Level 1 Wind
2872 Elusive Chonchon 2.5% Yes 5 Insect Level 1 Wind
1977 Heavy Metaling 2.5% Yes 107 Formless Level 1 Neutral
1613 Metaling 2.5% Yes 81 Formless Level 1 Neutral
1169 Skeleton Worker 2% Yes 44 Undead Level 1 Undead
1308 Panzer Goblin 1.8% Yes 52 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
1040 Golem 1.75% Yes 61 Formless Level 3 Neutral
1280 Goblin Steamrider 1.5% Yes 66 Demi-Human Level 2 Wind
1212 Iron Fist 1.5% Yes 47 Insect Level 3 Neutral
3125 Step 1.5% Yes 130 Demon Level 1 Neutral
1980 Kublin 1.35% Yes 85 Demi-Human Level 1 Earth
1123 Goblin 1.25% Yes 44 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1258 Goblin Archer 1.25% Yes 55 Demi-Human Level 1 Poison
1124 Goblin 1.15% Yes 44 Demi-Human Level 1 Poison
1235 Smoking Orc 1.05% Yes 24 Demi-Human Level 1 Earth
3128 Security Robot 1% Yes 133 Demon Level 2 Neutral
1042 Steel Chonchon 1% Yes 48 Insect Level 1 Wind
1178 Zerom 0.95% Yes 70 Demi-Human Level 1 Fire
1011 Chonchon 0.5% Yes 5 Insect Level 1 Wind
1183 Chonchon 0.25% Yes 5 Insect Level 1 Wind
3627 Heart Hunter Guard 0.1% Yes 105 Demi-Human Level 2 Dark
3154 Recon Robot 0.01% Yes 165 Formless Level 4 Neutral
KalistoRO - Provided by Kingdom of Kalisto